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Sunset blending with Goldfaber colour pencils

How to make “Watch more sunsets” greetings cards

By artist Katha Arends.
>> go to her artist profile <<

  • Everybody 
  • 20 min
What you need:
  • Goldfaber colour pencils
  • Pitt Artist Pen Fineliner (F)
  • Template printed on DIN A4, preferably on paper with a higher grammage (e.g. 250 g)
  • Cutting mat or scissors

Step 1
Select 4 – 5 Goldfaber colour pencils in different shades that can be used to create a beautiful progression of colours for a sunset. In the example, colour numbers 109, 130, 123, 136 and 151 were used.

Step 2
Start with the lightest colour (here 109) and shade the lower fifth (if you are using 4 pens: the lower quarter) of the letters. Don’t use too much pressure.

Step 3
Now use the next colour (here 130) above it. Initially, don’t use too much pressure here either. The colours are applied to slightly overlap.

Step 4
Now use the light colour again (here 109) and apply a second layer with more pressure. Blend the transition to the next colour by going slightly beyond the transition when applying the colour.

Step 5
Continue using this procedure – blending the colours into each other by initially applying a light layer, then lightly setting the next darker colour against it and finally blending the colour transitions into each other with more pressure until the letters are coloured in.

Step 6
If you want, use a black PITT Artist Pen (F) to draw silhouettes, e.g. of palm trees, within the letters. Cut out the greetings card and fold it in half. You can now write the card and give it to the intended recipient.


>> Download template "Watch more sunsets"